Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Christ Church Jacksonville

Christ Church Jacksonville meets in a high school after having to leave their church property and start over. About a mile before I arrived at the school, I began to see portable signs entitled “Christ Church, Jacksonville” with an arrow pointing the direction. Upon arriving at the school, there were more portable signs welcoming me, showing me where to park, and where to enter. There were greeters to welcome me and be of assistance. The atmosphere was warm and friendly, and seeing the Setup Team brought back many memories!

Christ Church has three Sunday services: 8:45 Traditional Service, 10:45 Contemporary Service, and a 10:45 1928 BCP Service. I attended the contemporary service which was very similar to the one at Holy Cross, Loganville. The sermon was given by the Rev. Mark Eldredge, a friend of mine who sits on the American Anglican Counsel Board of Trustees with me.

Rev. Edredge’s sermon was based on the reading from Luke 7:1-10 and was entitled, “Developing a Great Faith.” The sermon insert was most helpful. He spoke of three components needed for great faith:

1. I must realize my own position. The centurion knew who he was, and yet, he knew who Jesus was. He approached Jesus in great humility. So must we. We must approach Jesus realizing that we are sinners (saved yes!, but He is LORD).

2. I must recognize Jesus’ Power. The centurion knew because he was a man with authority and under authority that all Jesus had to do was to say the word – just speak it – and it would be done.

3. I can put radical obedience into practice. An exposition of Hebrews 11:1-31 demonstrated how obeying God led to great faith.

Quotes to remember: “The centurion’s faith stood out, will yours?” “Do I want to be satisfied with ‘ok’ faith, or do I want ‘great’ faith?” “Whatever Jesus is asking you to do; it is nothing like what He did for us – being nailed to the cross.”

I heard on the radio driving back from the church a recent Barna survey found that only 16% of those who call themselves Christians in the United States ask God for counsel about decisions or seek to gain guidance from the Bible about the issues they are facing in life. If this is true, we have our work cut out for us as we go and make “DISCIPLES.”

From Oswald Chambers this week:The teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is not – Do your duty, but – Do what is not your duty. It is not your duty to go the second mile, to turn the other cheek, but Jesus says that if we are His disciples we shall always do these things. There will not be a spirit of – ‘Oh, well, I cannot do any more, I have been so misrepresented and misunderstood.’ Every time I insist on my rights, I hurt the Son of God; whereas I can prevent Jesus from being hurt if I take the blow myself. The disciple realizes that it is his Lord’s honor that is at stake in his life, not his own honor.”

1 comment:

  1. Our small group has just begun a study of the Book of Romans. There, in chapter 1, verse 5, we saw Paul making his first reference to the doctrine of "obedience to the faith". John MacArthur comments on "obedience to the faith" saying that "true saving faith always produces obedience and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ", or, in other words, obedience flows from faith.

    Tom Newey
