Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ancient Wisdom - Anglican Future

Ambridge, PA on the Ohio River
Today was the first day of a symposium at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA entitled Ancient Wisdom - Anglican Future. We heard a fascinating array of speakers describing the Emerging Church in the UK and US. The Emerging Church Movement is difficult to understand as it is described in different ways by all kinds of different people. From my perspective, the Emerging Church Movement is a discovery and recovery of church history and traditions by those who have not valued these in their Christian experience. Many people desire to go deeper with God and many of the historic practices and liturgies resonate with them. For some this is a reaction to the mega-church and seeker-sensitive churches in our country who offer low-key approaches in order to reach unchurched people with the Gospel.

Jason Clark from the UK

As Anglicans we have an incredible richness in our heritage in which to draw from in order to help folks encounter the Living God in Jesus Christ. I am reminded what happened in the 1980's when Pentecostals from all over the U.S. discovered the Book of Common Prayer and the Historic Church, joined together, and started the Charismatic Episcopal Church. Many people are looking for authentic and genuine worship, not superficial meaningless ritual or shallow twittering glitz. Our challenge is to continue to be faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and passing on the deep heritage we have.

More to come.

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