Tuesday, August 18, 2009

7 Disciplines of Effective Leaders

In his book, Practicing Greatness, 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders, Reggie McNeal writes of the "disciplines" which a spiritual leader should have in his life. Buy the book!

1. The Discipline of Self-Awareness
2. The Discipline of Self-Management
3. The Discipline of Self-Development
4. The Discipline of Mission
5. The Discipline of Decision Making
6. The Discipline of Belonging
7. The Discipline of Aloneness

Some quotes worth reflecting on....

"The greatness he is talking about is not a position or a destination, but a quality of leadership that blesses other people." -- Ken Blanchard

"Deliberate mediocrity is a sin."

"Greatness is not just about character. It's also about effectiveness. When Jesus talked about serving others as part of his definition of greatness, he assumed that the service would actually be helpful to its recipients and the leaders would be accomplished."

"Genuinely great spiritual leaders do not do what they do for themselves or even as a way to become recognized as great leaders. The end game for spiritual leaders is about expanding the kingdom of God."

"Although many leaders may come to recognize that alcohol or drug abuse is a problem, legions of others are unaware they are using food or work to anesthetize their heart pain brought on through loneliness or their inability to experience intimacy though surrounded by admirers. Other leaders have no idea that their need for approval drives them to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual exhaustion. They are just dying (literally) to hear, 'We don't know what we'd do without you.'"

"Bless your children. Leaders with children have one primary responsibility toward them beyond the inherent tasks of protection and provision: children need our blessing."

"Nuclear physicists now say that inner space is as infinite as outer space... In quantum spirituality, post-moderns (pre-Christians) assume they are connected to God and to other people. This poses an intriguing dilemma to spiritual tribes whose evangelism strategy begins with the declaration to people that they are separated from God!"

"Your best shot at making your greatest contribution in the world is for you to get better at what you are already good at. Instead of focusing on weakness, focus on improving your strengths. Remember, your strengths are also your needs, meaning that you need to develop and use your talent in order to experience deep satisfaction at an emotional and spiritual level."

"God has not called you to your life mission in spite of who you are; he has called you precisely because of who you are."

I could go and on!! I have most of this book underlined. I recommend this to anyone in a spiritual leadership role, whether employed or volunteer.

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