Friday, December 10, 2010

Nehemiah and Leadership

John Stott offers six principles of leadership based on the account of Nehemiah and his leadership in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem (The Book of Nehemiah). Simply said, they are:

1) The Christian leader has a clear vision. One might say that apathy is the acceptance of the unacceptable, whereas leadership begins with a decisive refusal to do so. How can tolerate what God finds intolerable?

2) The Christian leader feels deeply about his vision. (2:17)

3) The Christian leader seeks support from both God and human beings. (2:4-5)

4) The Christian leader develops a realistic plan. Dreamers have to become thinkers, planners, and workers. People of vision need to become people of action.

5) The Christian leader attracts a following. The leader takes the initiative, but he persuades others to join him... The authentic leader, however, inspires people to follow his lead, for he sees his task as a cooperative enterprise.

6) The Christian leader refuses to be discouraged. Once the work of God begins, opposition can be expected. The forces of reaction muster, and hostility comes out in the open. Indeed, discouragement is the chief occupational hazard of a leader.... But the true leader refuses to give in. He or she perseveres.

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