Saturday, July 20, 2013

Trash on Your Beach

My family and I recently have been on a vacation in the beautiful Florida Keys.  We had a good time enjoying the water, the wonderful beaches, and exploring the different and various keys. (See my other blogs and those to come!) 

Imagine our surprise when we came upon this beach!!   Expecting to see God’s beautiful coastline….

We came across this…. The Atlantic Ocean’s Garbage Dump!  A beautiful beach covered with human litter and trash.

Most people never think about what happens when they go to the beach with their family and leave their trash; or what happens when they are out fishing on the water and they throw their trash overboard; or what happens when the wind blows something overboard when they didn’t secure their stuff when out on a tour boat or cruise ship.  Well, it all ends up somewhere -- like on this beach!

The people who live on this beach and renters who come here for vacations clean their beach, but guess what?  The next day there is just as much trash to pick up.

Now, I am not some wacko environmentalist crusader, but I am a follower of Jesus.  He taught that we should love our neighbors as ourselves (the second greatest commandment).  Part of loving our neighbor is respecting those who will come after us; considering the implications of our actions on others.  We attempted to teach our kids to be considerate of those who would come after – to respect those who will use their space when they are finished– whether that is their rooms, the family room, the kitchen, and what they did with their toys.

In the creation story we are told that God appointed humans as stewards over the planet.  We are to use it and enjoy it, but we are to take care of it and to remember those who will come after us.

Maybe, the next time you are on the water, and you drop something overboard by accident, you will try to retrieve it. 

Maybe, the next time you have your family out for a day on the beach, and everyone is tired and exhausted, you will still make the effort to leave your place better than you found it.  

Maybe, the next time you go fishing with the guys, you will make sure your personal items are secured and trash is put away so the wind doesn’t blow it overboard while you are dealing with being seasick. 

Just maybe!

Let's Go to the Beach!

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