Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Personal Pentecost

Today is Pentecost Sunday. This is the day in the church year we intentionally remember the events of Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples and first followers of Jesus. The Lord gave me a message about His desire to reproduce in us His Character (the graces of Jesus Christ) which is manifested in the fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22f). Wow!! He really got people's attention. Here are a few responses I have received.

I just wanted to tell you how fantastic today’s message was. Got me fired up!!!

So, I know you're probably tired of hearing it, but really loved today's sermon. I promise after the first few words came out of your mouth, I knew God had meant for me and so many others to hear it... I was just nodding and tearing up throughout the entire service. We normally go out after communion to get Kingdom Kids ready, but I flipped ahead and saw "How Great Thou Art" as the closing hymn, and leaned over and told .... we had to stay. I just love it when God picks the times/sermons/hyms that he knows I need when I need them. So, all that to say your words and Gods words inspired me and I am hoping to have a personal pentecost every day. I know it just takes discipline and prioritizing....God first, Family second, all else when I can.

Isn't that great? That's my hope as well -- to have a personal Pentecost everyday; to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit and walking obediently to the Lord... That Jesus can really be glorified and honored in my life. And then, just maybe, that fruit of the Spirit will be ripe for picking from my life.

Friday, May 29, 2009

IT's Friday Night!

It' Friday night, and I have just completed a four-mile run. What was great about this day is that the Lord kept revealing his Presence throughout the day. From my quiet time in which Psalm 29:11 jumped off the page...
-- "The Lord gives his people strength; the Lord blesses his people with peace"
-- to seeing a hawk flying down the road with a captured snake
-- to the gentle blowing wind
-- to the blue Georgia sky.

God desires for us to fellowship with Him in all aspects of our lives -- the good and the bad, the easy and the tough, the fun and and the routine. Knowing Him in all our ways (Proverbs 3:5,6) is what fellowshipping with Him is all about.

I am new at this blog thing -- but I hope to occasionally share what I see the Lord doing in our world and in my world, and I hope to share some of the truths He is teaching me. So check out Psalm 29 and see if He speaks a Word to you.

Welcome! I Think.

Welcome to the blog for A Word From The Lord.

I hope to share some of the truths and lessons God is teaching me or questions that He brings to my attention. I am a rookie at this, but I am going to give it a try.

What is the Lord doing in our world? What is the Lord saying about all that is going on in our lives? What Scriptures from His Word is He bringing forth for us to proclaim to our friends?

Please keep in mind that this is not a confidential source. Others will see what you have written. Also remember that this is not a soapbox, but a forum where ideas and sentiments are shared. Please be polite to your Internet neighbors and refrain from criticizing or being condescending. Let Christian love be your guideline as you correspond.