Sunday, October 27, 2013

GAFCON - The Bishops' Conference

GAFCON2 has emphasized the Church returning to the priorities of discipleship and mission based on the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20.  All throughout the GAFCON meetings this verse has been repeated over and over again.   Even the host of wonderful volunteers sported T-shirts with the verse written out for all to see.

Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. -- Jesus in Matthew 28:19

Amidst the week there were mini-conferences focusing on different areas of interest which attendees could choose to participate such as The Holy Spirit, Witnessing in Your Culture, The Godly Woman, Marriage and Family, and Understanding and Impacting Islam.  I chose to attend one designated for bishops and it focussed on leadership based on an exposition of Hebrews 13.

This was a great time of rethinking leadership and our call to be shepherds of the flock.  We were given an excellent booklet by Bishop Wallace Benn and published by The Latimer Trust entitled, Remember your Leaders.  The bishops were also given the opportunity to share with one another about how they encounter certain issues in their ministries.  It was amazing to me to see that all these bishops from so many diverse cultures and backgrounds were facing so many of the exact same leadership issues with our flocks.

Some thoughts and quotes...

Be on fire!  You become a bishop and you have not led one soul to the Lord.

No one should minister who isn't being ministered to - Michael Green

Everyone thinks of changing humanity, but no one thinks of changing himself -- Leo Toystoy

Not all suffering is bad; not all suffering is guns and machetes

As Anglicans we have deep pockets and short hands -- from a former Archbishop of Cape Town

We are bound by the Lord to make disciples who make other disciples

Good can be the enemy of the best - we lose our priorities; God's priorities

Leadership is not about profits but people
Leadership is not about status but service
Leadership is not about celebrity but character
Leadership is not about cruelty but compassion
Leadership is not about office but a cross
Leadership is not about a monument but a set of footprints

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